Chapter 1: The Wheel of Life
"The physical body is connected to all matter and it is the key - through the body we enter the visible Nature in order to use it.”, Petar Deunov (Beinsa Duno)
As human beings, we live and manifest simultaneously in three spheres: physical, mental and spiritual, which are filled with the Energy of Life. Each of us is born and comes to Earth with a certain energy and potential that he has to realize, to study and mster, to apply and develop. (p. 28,157,170)
The life energy that flows through our bodies and gives us life is composed of three substances: the Energy of the parents, formed during conception and invested in our Ego; the Personal Perceiving Energy - the Energy of the Soul - the essence of our Self, storing the most the valuable information of our existence; and the Energy of the Spirit given to us to discover and realize the potential of the energies and talents embedded in the Essence of our Soul.
This Energy is ruled by the Seven Powers of Life that control human nature. With the advent in life, a person is supposed to study, apply and develop within himself the energies of these powers (Fig.1: The Wheel of Life):
• Basic (primary, Primordial, Earth) force, (p.173)
• Sacral (essential, Soul) power, (p.175)
• Solar (Spiritual) power, (p.184)
• Heart (emotional, cordial) strength, (p.171)
• Intuitive (perceptual, sensory) power, (p.179)
• Mental (mental and psychological resilience) strength, (p.177)
• Conscious (intellectual) power. (p.182)
Nine are the cycles of Life energy, in which we study the Seven Powers of Life and manifest Our Being simultaneously in three dimensions: physical, spiritual and mental, in the three levels of our awareness: Subconscious, Consciousness, Superconscious. The Tenth is Perfection - God. (p.15,36,38,99,102,132,144,196)
the joint activity of the Mind, Consciousness, Kidneys and Nervous System. The
ability to nourish and use our potential, to renew our mind and body, to
create, to concentrate, achieved by neutralizing the negative side of our Ego.
Generating and charging with energy. Mastering and harmonizing the three levels
of consciousness. Application of the Will, of Love, of the Conscious Power. (p.80,99,144,171,182,184,196)
The nine cycles of manifestation of the Life Energy take place in our bodies as naturally occurring physiological processes. It is remarkable that our cells easily perceive the various manifestations of the Life Energy and perform their physiological functions without any effort, even without the need for our conscious participation. It is important to note that the cells in our body declare such Consciousness as material carriers of the Life Energy. (стр.18,92,94,191)
In the spheres of life, however, we have not yet managed to achieve such perfection and harmonization of our Consciousness, which sooner or later affects the consciousness of our cells. This is due to the fact that, unlike cells, we have the Free Will and our Consciousness depends on whom we allow to control it: the Ego, the Mind or the Heart? Therefore, it is important to assess what motivates our awareness (thought and action): the pH value of our body fluids, controlling the Subconscious - our information tank (p.36,45,70,102,112,144,149,182); The Mind governing our Conscious (the ability to work with the different levels of Cognition), (p.27,69,88,99,114,144,146,177)]; The Wisdom that guards the portals to the Superconscious, through the Powers of Love, Truth, and Justice. (p.157,170,175,196) For example, the material-social sphere of our manifestation is often the key "trap" on the way to our further improvement in the Cordial, Intuitive and Mental spheres, depending on the extent to which we allow the material aspiration to occupy our Consciousness. (p.148,190,192)
We will briefly consider four main, or rather contrasting, aspects observed in the understanding and approach to the material and social sphere, which have a significant impact on our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health, but also on our Consciousness:
• Strong desire for material gains, caused by a feeling of fear of "poverty". Often these aspirations and fears are inherited from the genus, the family, or in a certain social society, without a threat of shortage or lack of material security.Usually, guided by this aspiration, people do not choose the methods and means, and often do not make the necessary diligence to achieve the goal, which, in turn, leads to a loss of valuable vital energy and common sense. Health care remains the last possible priority, and deteriorating health and missed opportunities in life are seen as a "scapegoat" on the way to the goal. Such an approach "closes" the doors to personal realization and the free flow of Life energy in our lives and bodies. One of the methods for overcoming this condition is: getting to know and overcoming fears, taking concrete consistent actions to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, getting rid of unnecessary fear, appetites and ambitions, free acceptance and giving. (p.27,33,69,150)
• Strong material pursuit imposed by the pursuit of success in society. Such initiatives consume an enormous amount of mental and cerebral energy, and concern for health, balance and harmony in personal relationships and in life remains in the background. In practice, success in the material realm is achieved at the expense of mental and conscious manifestations, wasting the values of the heart, soul and spiritual forces. In their efforts to bring all possible benefits to their families, people exposed to such aspirations often run the risk of depriving their generation of the opportunity and motivation to acquire practical skills. These are the conscious mastery, experience and handling in the material area that impart the skills and knowledge to overcome and cope with difficult life situations. (p.152,160)
• Good material balance, achieved on the basis of striving for professional growth. In this direction, once they have achieved material and social satisfaction, people often put career first, adhering to the importance of their status, often at the expense of some healthy and harmonious aspects of life. (p.149,189)
• Free and successful use in the material sphere, achieved without a sense of commitment to the benefits or the end result. The material sphere is mastered with self-realization, through conscious service to others, such as: caring for the family, for the family values, for the society, for the knowledge, for the scientific discoveries, etc. with creative enthusiasm, dedication and more. This aspect of the material realm is the dreamed degree of manifestation and realization, which we often think is available only to the "chosen ones."
In practice, this skill is developed through the predominance of the Spirit over the Ego in material manifestation, through patience, diligence and systematic self-improvement in the spheres of life, under strict control and purity of thought, emotions, actions. (p.32,148,189)
In practice, the degree of our success, respectively the quality of our lives, depend on our ability to perceive and apply the knowledge and opportunities given to us, but also the gifts and talents embedded in ourselves. Often, failures, obstacles and illness make us think that our energy is blocked by external factors, without realizing that these trials are part of the path, on which our free choice has taken us. We fixate on the goal of our pursuit and do not realize that the success and happiness we expect is in walking the path to them. (p. 29,86,156)
The well-being in our life depends entirely on the free and conscious flow of life energy in the three spheres of our existence: physical, spiritual and mental. Our sense of life energy is strongest when it manifests on a physical level as vigor and vitality, or fatigue and tiredness. On a mental level, we feel life energy as satisfaction or dissatisfaction, as joy or sadness. Our sense of the Spiritual manifestation of life energy is still weak, but the feeling comes as a sudden urge to learn, to help, to create, or as depression and despair.
There are times when we unconsciously allow the Subconscious to control our actions and thoughts, misperceiving (or not) its signals as an "intuitive instinct." The subconscious "captures" and preserves our knowledge, memories and stereotypes of experienced emotions, experience, behavior, negative manifestations, fears, socio-psychological norms and intangible forms of external influences. If we allow the “negativ” penetrating from our Subconscious to invade our Mind, we risk locking our consciousness in certain areas of our existence, mainly on an emotional, material or mental level. At such moments we refuse to get rid of our fears, ambitions and prejudices, of our outdated notions and understandings, and we simply cannot move forward. Thus we block our Life Energy and the Powers of Intuition, Mind, Spirit and Heart, which we feel as emotional, physical, mental or material stagnation. (p.36,37-38,102,114,144,156,192,197)
It is time to realize the fact, that our cells serve the Supreme Mind and renew our bodies and give us health and vitality when we are good conductors of Love and create harmonious conditions in our lives. But they get sick when we fall under the power of destructive emotions and passions. (p.15,27,29,32,42,57-58,86,92,131,148,159,160,190)
If we try to understand the Law of Love that rules our cells, we will realize that we are running the risk of irrevocably breaking the threads of life if we abuse the energy of love.
In order to be able to enjoy cycling “the Wheel of Life” in the material realm to the fullest, without going out of the way of life, it is enough “to dismantle the auxiliary wheels” of our attachment to the profits and ultimate goals and to start maintaining the balance with the Powers of Intuition and the Heart, which are the connections of Love! Just like the kids do it! (p.39,99,147,153,157)
If we overcome our fears, the Wheel of Life will take us to the Fourth Dimension – of the Heart Power, where in the embrace of the infinite creative Spirit, our liberated Soul displays in its unlimited potentilal. (p. 13,90,171)
The fruitful interaction of our Spirit with our Soul harmonizes the two streams of the Life Energy, which maintain the flowing Life in our bodies and strengthening the healthy balance of our WHOLE. (p. 18,37,42)
Our current task is to find the way to the life-giving Heart Sphere. (p.153,157,196)