For most of our lives, we live ungratefully and irresponsibly for beings who tirelessly care for our well-being. (p. 48) As much as we tend to blame the world or others for our failures, sooner or later, when faced with an unsolvable life or health problem, we begin to realize that we have been extremely selfish and unjust. Our body is made up of millions of cells and microorganisms filled with Reason, love and dedication to their life mission – to ensure our healthy existence on Earth. (p. 15) If we have neglected the signaling systems of the Bile (p. 108) and the Stomach (p. 125), then this Supreme Mind will send us a final warning through the Colon! If we allow ourselves to belittle this message as well, then a poison gets stuck in our lungs (p. 135) and gradually suffocates us, taking away the Gifts of Life. (p.19)
The detoxification of the body is directly dependent on the functions of the Liver and the Bile, that eliminate and neutralize toxic substances, but mostly on the excretion. Pollution (toxemia) in the body is closely related to impaired excretory function. (p.41,53,54,59,66,109,128) One of the important processes of elimination of toxic metabolites and pathogens takes place in the large intestine, where the last phase of the digestive process, the absorption of nutrients and the excretion of toxins and wastes also take place. Proper colon function is an important prerequisite for good hygiene and detoxification of the whole body. Therefore, daily emptying of the colon, especially before the first meal in the morning, is a guarantee of long-term health and youth. The main functions of the colon are: intake and recycling of intestinal contents, resorption of water and electrolytes, storage of fecal masses and their excretion. The colon receives about 1200 ml of hime (porridge) daily, and the weight of the excreted feces is about 200 g. The received hime is recycled from the colon for about 16 hours, during which time water is excreted and some residual nutrients are absorbed, as well as electrolytes – sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, bicarbonates, etc. (p.51,63,73,79,127,132) The colon is able to reabsorb five times more fluids and electrolytes than necessary. Impaired resorptive function can lead to diarrhea and impaired mobile function can lead to constipation. (p.96,130) The natural intestinal flora of the colon is composed of over 700 species of bacteria that perform vital functions to maintain proper metabolism, immunity and energy balance in the body.
AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 9: The Colon - the Lord of Both Kingdoms
• Absorbs and ferments indigestible substances and carbohydrates: starches, fiber, oligosaccharides, sugars (lactose, sugar alcohols), gastric mucus, proteins, which process produces useful acids for muscles and liver, and helps absorb vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and iron. (p.51,78,82,95,105,106,111,136)
• Protects the colon from development of pathogens by regulating the normal pH of 5.5 – 7, which is also necessary for the good reabsorption capacity of epithelial cells.
• Metabolic functions: supports cellular regeneration of intestinal epithelium, metabolizes genotoxic substances and allergens, undigested fats, and sodium chloride (from table salt), produces important vitamins (B1, B2, B12, K, H). (str.62-63,132)
• prevents intestinal inflammation.
The disturbed balance in the population of the natural intestinal flora in the large intestine leads to destruction of beneficial bacteria (dysbacteriosis) and to development of strains of pathogenic ones. In such cases, a number of adverse processes and inflammations can occur: constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, colitis, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, as well as chronic manifestations of inflammationq such as Chorn’s disease, polyps, hemorrhoids, weakened immunity, anemia, tumors. (p.82,128,160,190)
What are the factors that can disrupt the natural balance in the intestinal flora and the ability of the colon to eliminate and dispose of toxic waste: (p.158,159)
• lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, dietary errors, systemic retention of bowel movements – potentiate the retention of toxic substances and gases in the body, disrupt the metabolism of bile acids, predispose to the formation and retention of toxic bile, acidify the pH in colon; (p.47,109,111,127,143)
• chronic metabolic disorders; regular intake of: laxatives and diuretics – disrupt the electrolyte and vitamin balance; antidepressants, antihistamines (antiallergic drugs), drugs for high blood pressure – stimulate pro-inflammatory enzymes in the colon; antibiotics – destroy beneficial bacteria at the expense of increasing strains of Escherichia coli and other pathogenic bacteria from the group of lactobacilli; (p.49,54,57-58,78,79,125,128,144)
• infectious agents of chronic bacterial dysentery, radiation; sensitivity to gluten and lactose, which in themselves are caused by an imbalance of intestinal enzymes, immune and hormonal disorders. (p.33,39,61,82,86)
The Guardian of the Upper and Lower Kingdoms and the Lords of the Air
The large intestine is the main engine of Yang energy of the Lungs. In addition, the Colon is the ruler of our Mental Energy, whose meridian starts at the top of the left index finger, passes through the outside of the arm to the shoulder, parallel to the clavicle, up the throat, above the upper lip and ends under the right nostril. The Lungs are the lords of Love and Conscious Energy, whose meridian begins below the clavicle and descends from the inside of the left hand, ending in the outer corner at the base of the thumb. The two meridians have central branches where they connect through the diaphragm, stomach and throat. (p.24,28,93,94,135) Enzymatic and fermentation processes take place daily in the large intestine, where the environment is anaerobic, emit large amounts of acids and gases, and often need fresh oxygen to release or absorb them. For this reason, the colon is dependent on lung function. Just as the Mind keeps clean the source of the nourishing Consciousness, so the inflammatory processes in the Colon pass to the Lungs and vice versa.
If the energy of the lungs is stagnant (sedentary lifestyle, smoking, grief, increased cortisol), it disrupts the excretory function and increases the pathogenic heat. (p.31,34,35,44,45,96,99,102,104,115) Systemic stagnation and putrefaction in the colon leads to the development of pathogenic bacteria, contamination of hemoglobin and blood, increased acidity, inflammation. (p.27,33-36,45,47,60,102,112,121,136)
AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 9: The Colon - the Lord of Both Kingdoms
The guardian of Consciousness and the elements of Fire and Earth
Yang energy stagnation in the colon can potentiate splenic energy stagnation, with a direct impact on mental activity and emotions. (p.110,111,112,117,121,132,137,175) If we tend to hold back negative thoughts and anger, or are euphoric, these habits can generate pathogenic heat in the liver or pathogenic cold in the gastrointestinal tract. (p.31,33) Such conditions are the reason for slowing down the metabolic and energy processes, stagnation of undigested food, releasing harmful gases, high blood pressure, circulatory disorders, insufficient and irregular bowel movements, constipation. Stagnation in the colon generates free hydrogen ions in the gastrointestinal tract, disrupting the natural bicarbonate protection and pH of the gastric mucosa – the cause of gastritis, ulcers and extreme hunger. (p.27,33,42,45,60,71,112,127-130,131,132,142,165)
Regular sleep until late, for example, prevents the function of the spleen and stomach to send waste down in time, which disrupts defecation and potentiates lymphatic stagnation, acidification of body fluids and toxemia. Excessive thought and anxiety cause stagnation of the spleen function to send nutrient energy to the heart and brain. And anger, irritability and resentment damage the liver, stimulating the secretion of emotional hormones. Also, the frequent manifestation of these conditions, for no particular reason, can be a signal of stagnation of energy in these organs, but especially for impaired „conscious function” of the colon. (p.25,33,47,57-58,111,112,122,133,181)
The Tree of Life and the Keeper of Consciousness
Dinner after 8 pm, but also regular late bedtime after 11 pm, damages the liver and bile — one of the main regulators of metabolism and circadian rhythm. (p.25,104,108) Such a regime potentiates bile stasis, which disrupts the natural intestinal flora and receptors of vitamins K and D, predisposes to dysbacteriosis, weakening of the immune and skeletal systems, the formation of polyps and precancerous lesions of the intestinal epithelium. (p.39,63,82,95,106,109,111,127,140) The appearance of hemorrhoids is a signal of impaired metabolism of bile acids and retention of toxic bile in the colon, where they irritate and damage the intestinal mucosa and defecation. Bleeding hemorrhoids deplete the metal element and provoke the development of anemia. With impaired excretory and reabsorption function, in conditions of biliary stasis, the liver is at risk of toxic damage, signaled by the blured vision. Our eyes are the energy openings of the Liver, but also a window to our Consciousness. (s.25,54,59,62,92,106,108-112,127-128,143-144,165)
The guardian of the Upper and Lower Kingdom and the Sources of Life
The large intestine is a major supplier of vitamins to the liver and the synthesis of blood cells and immune cells, but also a regulator of alkaline-acid and electrolyte balance. The ability of the colon to reabsorb minerals and trace elements and retain fluids plays an important supporting role in the energy function of the kidneys and bladder. (s.51,95-99,102)
The weakness of the renal energy to excrete acids is compensated by the activity of the colon, which retains, in such cases, bicarbonates and alkalizing minerals. Retention of acids and alkalis irritates the lining of the colon, stimulating the rapid expulsion of toxic fluids. (p.53,79,96,111,128,130) Such a status is a prerequisite for dehydration, which subsequently depletes the renal energy, maintaining hydromineral and electrolyte balance. For this reason, frequent enemas of the colon and abrupt changes in the alkaline-acid status of the gastrointestinal tract, deplete the renal energy. (s.51,41,76-79,112,127-130,132,137)
AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 9: The Colon - the Lord of Both Kingdoms
Impaired energy balance between the functions of the colon and those of the spleen, bile, lungs or kidneys may be a prerequisite for the initiation of inflammatory activity. Such inflammations affect the heart activity, cough and secretions in the respiratory tract appear, the immune system weakens and causes frequent colds and flu, the skin thickens and acquires a grayish and dirty appearance, bacterial infections appear, with acute urogenital and dental infections. (p.52,57-58,86,94,102,149,150,151,152,173,177,190)
13 dietary mistakes that disrupt the function of the colon, slow down the metabolism and deplete the vital energy: (p.43,49,52,54,73,95)
· Regular overeating in the evening, followed by a hearty breakfast, slows down the detoxification function of the liver and disrupts the metabolism of bile acids. (p.25,46,61,111,122)
· Insufficient water intake, especially in the morning and afternoon, or water intake immediately before, during and immediately after meals, can disrupt gastric secretion and digestive process in the small intestine; cause swelling and constipation due to undigested food. (p.132,164)
· Excessive use of simple sugars and fructose (especially with coffee and after a hearty meal) can disrupt the intestinal flora, nourishing some pro-inflammatory microorganisms, at the expense of other beneficial bacteria, causing stagnation of bile function due to rapid insulin secretion, intense fermentation in the colon and mucus formation from stimulated lactic acid production. (p.78,82,87,109-110,121,128,162)
· Insufficient fiber intake (mainly from fresh vegetables, grains and legumes that facilitate bowel movements and improves the overall function of the colon) (p.169)
· Excessive and regular intake of fats and meat can activate the growth of strains of specific bacteria that absorb fat, but also help to store them, potentiating the pro-inflammatory processes in the colon. (p.82)
· Consumption of meat, without sufficient intake of fresh salads and vegetables, causes undesired proteolytic fermentation – putrefaction in the colon, generating high levels of toxic substances. (p.77)
· Excessive consumption of salt (sodium chloride) especially in combination with spicy and fatty foods, can disrupt the normal secretion of bile juices, and hence the electrolyte and pH balance in the colon. (p.51,110,111,127,130,132)
· Regular use of antacids or baking soda to neutralize stomach acids can upset the pH balance and bile acid metabolism, block the natural bicarbonate secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the formation of mucus, and toxic bile, and hence dysbacteriosis of the intestinal flora, swelling and inflammation. (p.78,79,109,128-130)
· Drastic diets for weight loss, but also those rich in acid-forming foods, as well as frequent “prophylactic” enemas, disrupt the balance of intestinal flora, increase acidity, predispose to bile duct obstruction, potentiate dysbacteriosis and retention of pathogens and toxins. (p.54,59,73,74,102,110,112,127,132,168,169)
· Excessive intake of probiotics, supplying beneficial Lactobacilli, can also disrupt the natural balance of the intestinal flora, with an unbalanced diet. (p.82,163)
· Consumption of raw / soft-boiled eggs depletes biotin (vitamin H), produced by the intestinal flora and important for carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the colon. (p.63)
The Subconscious and the Guardian of the Upper and Lower Realms
The large intestine absorbs fluids and processed foods from the small intestine to accurately select and separate nutrients and to get rid of unnecessary metabolites. In the same way, our Subconscious absorbs all the impressions we perceive in order to enrich our Consciousness with useful experience, but also to protect it from negative manifestations. Our subconscious stores and sorts the knowledge, memories, thoughts and feelings caused by emotions and during sleep frees us from the impressions that would cause negative reactions. Dreams reveal the World of the Subconscious and by our mental reactions during sleep, we can estimate the purity of our consciousness at this level. The subconscious mind plays an important role in shaping our character and our mental, intellectual and intuitive skills. The subconscious, however, is completely devoid of conscious will and thinking. Therefore, we need to apply constant control and hygiene on our subconscious, just as the colon needs the same to comply with the circadian regime. (p.15,17,25,36,99,146,155)
AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 9: The Colon - the Lord of Both Kingdoms
When, for example, we unconsciously and automatically succumb to undesired habits, moods and external influences, it is a signal that negative impressions and feelings are invading us from the Subconscious, without provoking them with our conscious thinking. In such moments it is time to bring order to our thoughts and emotions, to drive away the bad mood with useful activities. On the other hand, in order not to pollute our Consciousness, we must take care of the regular function of the Colon and the purity of our Mental Energy. With stagnation in the colon, along with “explosive” gases, toxic bile acids remain circulating for a long time in the body. The meridian of bile energy passes through the areas (nape and behind the ears), where our Subconscious usually stores the negative from unpleasant events. These negatively charged structures are ready to “explode” at any moment and to provoke violent reactions, obscuring perceptions, thoughts and Consciousness, if we have not managed to realize them and release them in time. (p.31,36,45,57-58,102,106,108,109,111,112,132,137,141,148,161)
A small molecule in our body, for example, called ACE – the angiotensin-converting enzyme, controls the way we use Life Energy and plays the role of the “Right Hand of Nature.” This molecule is responsible for our blood pressure, hormonal, hydro-mineral and immune balance in the body. Today, pharmacology identifies it as the main culprit for high blood pressure and is making great efforts to develop pills that inhibit its synthesis. However, it turns out that its systemic blocking leads to mental disorders, dementia, metabolic and autoimmune diseases, along with an increase in inflammatory processes in the colon. It is this molecule that hosts the Corona-Virus in the Lungs. When we waste life, with it Nature grabs us by the throat and says: “I do not give! I no longer allow the dissatisfaction of your insatiability to poison the Love and the Air, with which I saturate you abundantly, so that you may rejoice, live and create together with me in harmony, purity, peace and beauty! ” (p.15,121,125,135,139
The large intestine constantly strives to maintain balance in „Our Lower Kingdom”, where the transformed essences of oxygen and Light are worked out (p. 102,111,131,137) and where the body and Consciousness (our „Upper Kingdom”) are freed from negative energies and unnecessary substances. The colon maintains the purity of gas exchange in our lungs, brain and blood, with the help of the energy elements of Fire (yang) and Metal (yang), under the astrological influence of the planet of Justice – Jupiter, whose earth warrior is Sagittarius. The astrological task of Sagittarius is to keep the pure from the impure at all levels of our conscious activity on Earth, so that we can see the Traps that our Mind tends to set in the areas of Subconscious, Consciousness and Superconsciousness. The arrow of Truth is the powerful weapon of Justice, maintaining balance and equilibrium in the visible and invisible Being. Without Love, i.e. without Faith, Truth is fatal. And without Wisdom, i.e. without Power, we cannot carry the Truth in our Hearts. (p.15,19,38,99,146,133,137,177,182) |
If the Truth – ie. The life energy, flowing freely through our bodies and life, it resonates simultaneously in the Mind, the Heart and the Will. But if in these centers we feel splitting and stratification of Consciousness, it is a signal of an unhealthy process. In the Fire of Love we can forge the most stable shield of the Will, with which to keep the Truth. This fire can transform the Iron Ego, depending on the clarity of our Mind. Only a pure Mind can perceive and fill us with the Power of the Spirit. Only with bright and pure thought we can generate and radiate the healing Light to all levels of Consciousness and in our Life. (p.37,69,80,94,102,105,106,111,117,135,137,153,173,177,184,191) |
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