Look around!
Do you see the harmony that surrounds you?
Do you hear the enchanting sounds of music?
(Try to perceive and distinguish every sound and smell you hear with your hearing and feel with your nose.)
What is this noise?!
The noise of Chaos fills the whole world around you!
You can barely hear your own voice!
And the quiet voice muttered:
confusion, disorder, filth, ignorance, malice, hatred, catastrophe, horror,
misery ..."
But who created this Chaos?
Where is the World I just came from?
The sun's rays are shrouded in mist of dirt and delusions!
There is no mention of the buzzing hardworking bees!
The sea breeze has turned into a hurricane!
The enchanting aromas are absorbed by the stench!
And the Joy of Life, Harmony and Love,
have become long-soured memories,
... like a canned sauerkraut!
relax again and try to connect with that moment of bliss
you experienced just a few moments ago.
Listen up!
Your Beatitude speaks to you:
Right now it is trying to tell you what to do!
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