Alchemy of Health - the Book


is given to us as a system for control and prevention of over 100 diseases, for complete body and mind rejuvenation and development of the prescious skills of the Seven Powers of Life. With best wishes for good health, nice time and exciting moments with the BOOK.

Mission and dedication of this book

Health is the natural state of harmony between the human mind, will and heart. "Good is a condition for health. Without good, one cannot be healthy. ”, Peter Deunov. "ALCHEMY OF HEALTH" is dedicated to active persons striving for well-being and success. For creative people looking to discover their hidden talents. For doctors and their patients seeking the path to healing. For people striving to achieve a healthy balance.

Part II Chapter 5: The Lord of Fire – Our Heart and its Guardians

 pages 114-117


Matth..,15:17,18,19,20 What Defiles a Person? „17 Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? 18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. 20 These are what defile a person.”From the Holy Scriptures, the Gospel of Matthew

Our Heart is like a classroom with a student board that life uses to teach us. On this board, the Supreme Mind wrote the laws of rational life before sending us into the Life. Our Soul secretly enters this room to talk to the Higher Consciousness and to write its innermost desires on the board. In this room, however, the Ego rules, scribbling on the board his carps and orders, which he insists to be carried out in an instant, throwing the heart into a storm of passions. But our Self decides how clean and tidy this room will be, who will write on the board, how we will read and understand what is written, how calm, stable, reasonable and strong the Heart will be.


The life-giving Fire is not just a symbol of the driving Yang energy flowing in Nature and through our bodies. The significance of Fire for human is clearly expressed in the ancient Greek legend of Prometheus - the bearer of "Divine Consciousness", the son of the goddess of Wisdom - Themis. The fear of the terrible suffering that Zeus inflicted on Prometheus in this ancient myth has forced people to come to terms with their miserable fate for millennia. (p.35)

Prometheus stole from the Divine Fire and brought its flame to Earth to teach people how to live in health, love, harmony, abundance and understanding. The ruthless Lord of Fire, Zeus the Thunderer (representing the supremacy of the Ego), sends his titans, Force and Power (the aspirations of the Ego), to nail Prometheus' chest to the rock for his daring to give knowledge to people. Prometheus welcomed the suffering with readiness and without fear predicted that one day the pure-hearted and strong Will of man would set him free, while Fate had already determined the unfortunate end of Zeus. This news made Zeus even angrier, and he sent an Eagle (of wrath), which came to Prometheus every day to peck out his liver, drinking his strength. Thanks to the strong Spirit of Prometheus, his liver recovered by morning. After thousands of years of suffering and terrible torment, Prometheus is freed by Hercules and at the request of Hermes (the messenger of Gods), reveals to Zeus that his end will be set by his son. Gradually, the hard-heartedness of the almighty Zeus melts into fear of the approaching end and the victory of the adamant Spirit of Prometheus. Zeus abandons his quest for power, instilling fear and terror, and begins to care for order and justice among people. The Human Consciousness is freed from the shackles of the Ego, and in return, the wizard Chiron descends into the underworld to heal the wound of his Pride, which was accidentally inflicted on him by Hercules. Prometheus puts on his hand an iron ring with a stone - a symbol of the liberating power of the Spirit and the resilience and steadfastness of the Heart in torment and suffering. (p.99,102,111)



Traditional Chinese medicine defines our Heart as the guardian of our Brain, Consciousness and Thought, which also gives birth to our purifying emotions in order to bring vitality and tone to our lives. We often say that the human Soul is stored in the Heart. When we speak openly and sincerely about feelings, cordiality, love and justice, when we want to express ourselves, consciously or not, we put our hand on our Heart. (p.17,32,131)

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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 5: The Heart - the Lord of Fire



Our Heart is the engine of our life, which constantly pulsates and every minute sends blood, nutrients and oxygen to all cells of our body, through the circulatory and nervous systems. This pulsation is vital, especially for our brain activity, which is due to the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. If our "engine" stops working for just a few minutes, life will leave our body. (p.51,63,69,92,99,111-113,114,136,177)

As the main organ that distributes the flow of vital and nourishing Yin energy, but also controls the flow of Yang energy in our body, the Heart is the ruler of our Mind - our mental manifestation, but also of our Soul - our emotional essence. (p.13,15,18,28,32,147,157) It is from this interaction that our general appearance depends - the color of the face, the turgor of the skin, the expression of our eyes, the sound and expression of our voice, the flexibility or stiffness of our movements. If our skin is slightly red, clean, smooth, toned and radiant, this indicates good blood circulation, good and harmonious heart function. If a person's gaze is fresh and concentrated, and we find cheerful sparks in it, this speaks of good mental and conscious activity. If the voice is gentle, sonorous and harmonious, it suggests sensitivity, cordiality and lovingness. (p.21,88,89,99,106)

Our Heart has the unique ability to warn us when we waste our feelings in vain, but also when we direct our intentions, emotions, actions and efforts in the wrong direction. At such moments, shooting pains appear in the heart area, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, the pulse slows down sharply or increases rapidly, we sweat profusely, or our limbs tingle and become icy cold. (p.27,35,57-58,90,131,171,175,181,184,195)

The sensory organ of our Heart is the tongue that determines the taste of food, but also our appetites. The sensitivity of our tongue determines the state and balance of our essential life energy, controlled by the Kidneys. It is through the tongue that we can know the quality of the work done by our small intestines. (p.12,36,97,149,158,186,195)


Small intestines - "Guardians of Happiness and Eternal Fire"

The small intestine is the corresponding organ of the Heart and controls the Heart's Yang energy. Not coincidentally, after eating we have a complete decline in vital energy in our body, which accumulates in the small intestine to carry out digestion. In addition to absorbing the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed to produce quality blood, the small intestine also separates the pure from the impure that enters our body with food, but also with our emotions. They also play an important role in maintaining our internal immune system. (p.53,63,81,90,109,119)

After eating, the small intestine releases serotonin - the hormone of happiness and satiety, but also of the heart. (p. 25,33,68,90,158,126) The strength of our "Eternal Fire" with which we live our lives depends on how we perceive nutrition, what kinds of food we choose, how we manage appetite and hunger, how we take care of our digestion, what kind of thoughts, desires and feels do we nourish our Mindq Spirit and Soul with. Our cordiality is indicative of the qulaitative work of our small intestine and whether we tend to generate and retain pathogenic heat, toxins and rot in the body, in the Heart or in our Thoughts. (p. 42,82,89,90,99,131,159,168-159)  

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When the intestinal flora is out of balance and the intestinal absorption receptors are damaged, no matter how many vitamins, minerals and nutrients we take, they will not improve our health until we restore our alkaline-acid and overall Conscious balance in the body, heart and mind.. (p.15,25,36,53,62,79,128,111,171,182,190,192)


The pericardium - the "Messenger of the Gods" and the circulatory system

The Pericardium is a strong protective sheath of the Heart, which protects it from overheating, airborne pathogens, stagnant fluids, but also calms its pulsation in conditions that cause excessive cardiac excitability. The pericardium acts as a kind of buffer between the interaction of Cardiac with Renal and Pulmonary activities, closely related to our Conscious and Mental manifestations. (p.13,15,73,94,157,170,191)

From the strength of the Pericardium, but also from the patency of the arteries, veins and blood vessels, depend the strength of the heartbeat, health and tone of the heart, but also its supply of sufficiently clean and fresh blood, rich in oxygen. By the flexibility or rigidity of our movements, we can judge the patency of our circulatory system, the health of our nervous system, the quality of our blood circulation, but also our cardiac manifestations and interactions on a conscious and mental level. (p.57-58,88,91,00,150,175,184,190)


The Thyroid gland and the "Spear of Destiny"

The Thyroid gland (p. 39-42) is the one that is responsible for warming or cooling the body, it also controls hunger, thirst and appetite. The Thyroid gland supports the Heart's activity in the distribution of Yang energy in the body, producing hormones and signaling molecules that are important for Heart tone and blood vessels. (p.32,36,38,94,159,191) Also, the Thyroid gland regulates the sweating needed to cool and to distribute body heat, but also to maintain the balance between the energy flows of Yin and Yang. (p.25,45,95) Sweat is a fluid of the Heart, which takes care of the pulse and protects it from overheating. Excessive sweating is a signal of an impending energy imbalance in the body, as this depletes the Heart energy and creates conditions for depletion of vital minerals and trace elements, electrolytes and fluids that support the Heartbeat. (p.27,35,51,63,70,89,112,132) The Thyroid gland is our guardian, controlling our Intuitive power, hearing about our inner voice, but also our sense of external influences. The Thyroid gland may be our "Butterfly of Fortune", but it can make us a target for the "Spear of Destiny". (p.39,41,133,138,175,177,179,181,191,192)

We often do not hear our inner voice, and our outer voice changes over the years. The hoarse voice suggests that one loses the joy of life, but also that one has "locked" one's intuitive perceptions. (p.17,149,179) The overly flattering voice, which does not come out of pure Heart, but exhorts and deceives, speaks of pollution and serious inner delusion. (p.27,86,150,161,171,182) The hardness of the voice suggests the strength and firmness of the Will, but also some hard-hearted manifestations of the Ego. (p.36-38,80,114,147,152) The screaming and thin voice can be a sign of disturbed soul harmony, but also of disturbed electrolyte and alkaline-acid balance in the body. (p.32-33,73-79,99,151)


Like the myth of Prometheus, who since 2700 years ago suggests that in order to manifest the purifying fire power of Consciousness, one must face hatred, suffering and trials, for the purposes of our work we consider mainly the destructive manifestations of life energy (p.20,29-31,56-58,86,111,190), seeking to restore the disturbed balance in order to find the values ​​at their opposite end. (p.93,94,147,153,191)

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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 5: The Heart - the Lord of Fire



The controlling energy meridians of the "lords of Fire" are in our hands. The meridians of the Pericardium and the Heart run from the inside of the left arm, starting from the forearm and armpit. The energy of the Pericardium concentrates our Intuitive power at the tip of the middle finger, and the energy of the Heart - our Spiritual power at the base of the inside of the little fingernail. The meridian of the Triple Heater (Thyroid Gland) begins with the release of emotional energy in the nail of the ring finger, and the energy of the Small Intestine is activated by the material vibration of the Spiritual Energy concentrated in the puppy. The two meridians ascend from the outside of the right hand to the head and end in front of the ear canal - to one of the end points of the meridian of the Bile Energy. (p. 24,28,108)


In order to understand the true nature and role of our Heart - "the Lord of our Fire", it will be necessary to get acquainted in detail with the qualities of the Fiery element, igniting various conscious and mental manifestations, (p.13,21,57-59,93,94,191) ruled by the “guardians of Fire”, in the person of the zodiac signs Taurus (p. 41), Gemini (p. 118), Crab (p. 119), and Leo (p. 120), but also of their physical manifestation in our body.


We are accustomed optimally to use, to retain or to waste the goods that our organs carefully provide us every day they, without thinking about the principles and laws that govern life in our body. All our lives we hurry, striving for the goal of our ambitions, driven by fear, lest fate take away our happiness before we have experienced it and taken it into our own hands. It is only when we face the threshold of a serious life test or illness, then we realize that we are irresponsibly wasting the most valuable gifts that Nature and Life Energy have given to each of us at the beginning of our lives. (p.1,13,31,37-38,153,157,167,170,190,192,197)



The Pure Mind and the Strong Spirit ennoble the Ego and create the conditions for the fruitful Heartiness, giving birth to Genius. Only the Genius of Heartiness can receive and carry the Divine fire of Wisdom, Justice and Love, creating all goods on Earth and in matter. Therefore, the Divine Consciousness has placed Astrological Guardians on our physical and material manifestations. (p.17,38,80,93,106,131-132,153,157,170,184)

The Thyroid gland guards our desire for possession, through the energy elements of Fire (yang) and Earth (yang), under the sign of Taurus, striving to expand Consciousness, through Intuitive Power. (p.36-38,41,94,179,191,192)

The Pericardium and the circulatory system seek to enrich the essential life force with oxygen and light, through the purifying elements of Fire (yang) and Air (yin), under the sign of Gemini, governing the dual nature of the Ego, born by the power of the Spirit and the fruitfulness of the Soul. (p.13,14,22,106,111,118,123,146,175,194)

The Small intestines regulate our emotionality, through the energy elements of Fire (yang) and Water (yin), under the zodiac water sign of Crab. The astrological task of Crab is to purify our primary Consciousness and unlock our sensitivity to the realm of the Heart. (p.15,17,32,81,90,99,119,171,173)

The Heart controls the Fire of Life and in its rhythm is hidden the pulse of the Infinite Consciousness. (p. 195) The Heart preserves our "Divine spark" and protects it not only from external influences, but also from our destructive egoistic manifestations, through the purifying elements of the primary Fire (yang) and the solar Divine Fire (yang), under the astrological sign of the Lion. (p.13,89,111,114,120,184,191,193)


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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 5: The Heart - the Lord of Fire

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The Book of Alchemy of Health

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