pages 101-102
The main function of our bladder is to maintain the metabolic activity of the kidneys in regulation of hydro-mineral and alkaline-acid balance in the body. (p.43,51,70) Other important roles of the bladder are the maintaining of blood pressure, warming and cooling, hydrating, detoxifying and cleansing tissues of stagnant liquids, substances, wastes and toxins. (p.25,27,40,48,52-54,57-58,93,97)
The bladder "pours out" the water that is in excess, or stores it in conditions of dehydration and returns it back to the body. That is why it is necessary to take at least five glasses of clean water a day in order to avoid retaining stagnant fluids in our body. The remaining amount of water needed is formed with the help of the kidneys, as a result of neutralizing the explosive reaction of inhaled oxygen with hydrogen released during the metabolism of nutrients. (p.31,44,58,73,74,76,77,97,132)
The energy meridian of the bladder drives the main flow of Yang Energy circulating between all bodily organs.
This is the longest meridian in our body, starting from the inner corner of the left eye. From there it rises up and passes through the scalp and nape, then descends to the left side of the spine, parallel to the Posterior governing meridian of Yang energy. Another stream passes through the "shoulder blade" of the left arm and descends to the sciatic nerve. From there it passes through the back of the whole foot and bypasses the outer knuckle of the ankle, passing to the side of the foot and ending at the base of the nail of the smallest toe. (стр. 24,131)
• Red, irritated or swollen eyes and blurred vision signalizing of stagnation of Yang energy in the meridian of the liver, (p.104) or deficiency of Kidney energy, (p.95) as a result of which the energy of the bladder fails to discard stagnant liquids in the head. (p.79,103,112,130)
• A stuffy and runny nose and sputum signalizing of stagnation of liquids and energy in lungs, due to stagnation of the Yang energy in the colon, (p.12,27,135) which the Yang energy of the bladder fails to push up.
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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 2: The Energy Flow Manager
• Frequent headaches can be caused not only by stagnation of fluids and toxins in the body, but also by mental or emotional stagnation, disturbing the flow of yang energy in the meridian of the bladder. Therefore, it is good to avoid conflicting inner states and thoughts, and to trust your mind, intuition, or heart. (p.80,152,175)
• Frequent urination, clear and clean urine, can be not only a sign of a cold, but also a lack of kidney energy caused by chronic fear, stress, fatigue or anxiety. (p.12,14,30,35,91)
These conditions can also signal the retention of "pathogenic heat" or "penetration of cold" into our body, which are usually regulated by the normal energy circulation in the meridian of the bladder. Traditional Chinese medicine applies effects on the meridian of the bladder in all therapeutic programs affecting colds, immune and stress diseases. (p.12,27,190)
The function of the bladder is indicative of how we use the Mental Force: do we expand our Consciousness, do we control the Primordiality of the emotions and passions invading from the Subconscious?(p. 13,15,17,33,35,96,173,177,182)
For example, the pH of urine can tell us: (p.15,36) a) whether we succumb to destructive emotions and appetites - when the pH tends to 5, (p.77,128,151,152,158); b) whether we manage to swim in our own waters, regardless of the reactivity of the situations we find ourselves in - when the pH of the urine is 6, (p.71,86,90) , or c) we are guided by our aspirations to change the natural course of events, even those that depend on the free choice of others, having a negative impact on our own common sense - when the pH of the urine is above 7. (p.78,79,150,159,161)
It becomes clear that the strong Spirit, the strong Will, Conscious thinking stimulate and strengthen the circulating Yang energy in the meridian of the bladder, but also the energy flow in our bodies and our lives. (p.104,114,125)
The bladder controls the energy elements Water (Yin) and Air (Yin), passing into each other, depending on the reactivity of body fluids, and potentiated by the qualities of the element Fire (Yang). (p.15,20,56-59,94,114) The energy vibration of the bladder is under the astrological influence of the zodiac sign of Aquarius. (p.21,58,93,191) The astrological task of Aquarius is to know the depth, vastness and height of Consciousness, by mastering the Primary Power on a subconscious, conscious and superconscious level, with the help of the perceptive Mind and insightful Intuition. (p. 80,94,133,137,157,173,175,177) Flattered by his gifts, the sign of Aquarius is often subjected to contradictory temptations: to choose between the promises of the Ego or the Primordial Power of Love, instead of sowing the fruits of the Spirit that will be born from the treasury of the Soul. (p.111,123,147,151,153,175) |
The power of the Spirit is the Primary manifestation of God, which neutralizes the toxic influence of Uranus on the Ego in the "purgatory" of Saturn. (p.38,100,103,182,184,191) |
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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 2: The Energy Flow Manager
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