Alchemy of Health - the Book


is given to us as a system for control and prevention of over 100 diseases, for complete body and mind rejuvenation and development of the prescious skills of the Seven Powers of Life. With best wishes for good health, nice time and exciting moments with the BOOK.

Mission and dedication of this book

Health is the natural state of harmony between the human mind, will and heart. "Good is a condition for health. Without good, one cannot be healthy. ”, Peter Deunov. "ALCHEMY OF HEALTH" is dedicated to active persons striving for well-being and success. For creative people looking to discover their hidden talents. For doctors and their patients seeking the path to healing. For people striving to achieve a healthy balance.

Part II Chapter 1: The Kindneys - our Sources of Life

 pages 95-99

The kidneys are the "energy sources of Life" in our body. The kidneys store the original life energy, which has flowed into our body since our conception. The kidneys perform a number of vital functions that maintain a good metabolism and the vital balance in our bodies:


Maintain the hydro-mineral balance: reabsorb or release important electrolytes such as: calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, water; (p.42,51,76,128))

Maintain blood pressure by regulating sodium in the blood with the help of renin-angiotensin hormones; (p.21,42,51,79,132)

Participate in the respiratory chain and together with the lungs maintain the alkaline-acid balance: reabsorb or excrete bicarbonates and phosphates; excrete hydrogen ions and acids in the urine; (p.42,73-74)

Filter the blood from various waste metabolites, mainly from those of proteins: uric acid, urea, creatinine; (p.43,53,54)

Maintain and enrich the blood through the production of erythropoietin, mainly in conditions of oxygen deficiency; (p.77,92,162)

Maintain the strength of the bone system by producing the hormone calcitriol from vitamin D, necessary for normal blood calcium levels and bone mineralization, but also important for strengthening immunity and the production of immune cells in the bone marrow; (p.35,39,51,63,76,82,83,84,106,110,129)

The kidneys are a kind of "Sources of Life" in the human body, which maintain and restore the energy flows of Yin and Yang, bone, hematopoietic, immune and nervous systems, reproductive function and hormonal balance, with the help of the adrenal glands, which produce major corticosteroids and hormones. (p.32,90)


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The kidneys are recipients of the Primary Force and guardians of our Essential Energy - the potential energy of our Higher Self. Our mental and physical development, as well as our reproductive and creative abilities, depend entirely on the earthly manifestation of our Self through our Ego. Our awareness at any given moment determines the strength and potential with which this energy manifests in our lives. When we are overtired, hungry, tense, nervous, scared or angry, this energy withdraws from us and we miss it. Then we become prone to negative influences and manifestations. (p.14,15,17,35,36,40,94) The kidneys control the use of Conscious Power. (p.42,99,100,102,144,173,182)

The kidneys are the recipients of the Life Energy.

The kidneys are receivers, producers and suppliers of Life Energy, synthesized through air, food, water, light, physical and mental training. The kidneys provide the necessary Yin and Yang energy, supplying it to the five energy stores in our body. For the efficient distribution of kidney energy, the kidneys use the energy of air and inhaled oxygen. (p.20,93,95,104,114,123,132,135) Frequent and "short" breathing, characteristic of respiratory alkalosis, the appearance of asthma or frequent feelings of fatigue and tiredness, may indicate a weak and insufficient ability of the kidneys to receive and absorb vital energy from the air. but also to participate in the respiratory chain. (p.74,76,78,129) The qualities of renal (kidney) function show the qualitative of use of the Intuitive Power. (p.32,36,37,39-42,133,137,179)


Managers of mineral and water metabolism. The inability of the kidneys to control the hydro-mineral balance in our body can lead to swelling and edema. This function is closely related to the work of the Lungs and the production of cellular energy, which we discussed in the topics of metabolism and alkaline-acid balance, but also to the manifestations of the Ego..(p.29,39,44,51,73) Chronic dry cough, for example, may be a signal of poor kidney involvement in maintaining hydro-mineral balance.


The kidneys feed the brain, spinal cord and bone marrow, determine bone metabolism, brain activity, dental and hair health. As we have considered, there is a close energy connection (p. 13,73-77,80,83-84,88,93,160) between the strength of immunity and the normal function of the bone marrow, which are nourished by the kidneys. If renal energy is abundant, the bone system and cell regeneration function actively. In case of deficiency, the teeth shake, the bones become brittle, premature aging occurs. These are the marks of the Consciousness with which our Ego uses the Primary Power - do we respect life, or do we simply consume the gifts? (p. 110-111,150,159,173)


According to TCM, the renal energy "opens in the ears" and controls the "lower back and front openings". By the quality of our hearing we can determine the quality of the flow of kidney energy in our body. Weakened kidney energy can lead to hearing loss or other symptoms such as ringing in the ears. (p.186,195) The front openings of our body refer to the ureter and genitals, and if the energy there does not flow harmoniously, this may be a sign of retention of pathogenic heat, cold or moisture in the body. (p. 99,101,151) Chronic constipation or diarrhea can also be a signal of an imbalance or deficiency of kidney energy. (p.143)



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The kidneys are located on both sides of the spine, just above the waist, like "two reservoirs that store hot and cold water" in our body. It is here, in these two reservoirs, that the life-sustaining interaction between the two energy elements of Fire and Water takes place. This interaction drives and nourishes the two streams of Yin and Yang of the Life Energy and supports all organs and physiological processes. It is here where the vital assimilation of the negative and the neutralization of the destructive energy in the bodies and in our lives takes place. (p.18,19,20,31.56,94)

The kidneys are the reservoirs of our Primary Divine Power, applied through the secondary energy generated in them, synthesized from food and water through the activity of our spleen. (p. 121) This second-acquired energy is necessary for the constant nourishment of our physical strength, which is gradually expended and depleted depending on our way of life, but also on the way we perceive and use our ego. (p.13-17,148,160) The energy balance in our life and the qualities of the vital forces and phases of our organism depend on our attitude towards our self and our ego: birth, growth, maturity, old age, death. (p.12,21,93)

Kidney Yin energy nourishes and moisturizes all organs in our body. Kidney Yang energy, controlled by the meridian of the Bladder, is the one that warms us and provides the necessary driving force with which the vital functions are performed. (p.14-15,24,101)

The Kidney energy flows along an energy meridian, starting from the center of the foot, (p.24,131) at the base - the pad of the big toe. It goes around the inner bone of the ankle, climbs on the inside of the thigh, enters the kidneys where it connects with the bladder, from there passes to the liver, diaphragm and enters the lungs, passes through the throat and exits through the tip of the tongue. Another branch passes from lungs to the heart and pericardium, and from there into the blood vessels. (p.115)

If we lack Kidney Yin energy we will lose our heat, and if Kidney Yang energy is not enough, we will have the feeling of cold. That is why it is necessary to protect our feet in the winter, from where the cold can enter our body. And in summer - to energize the starting point of the kidney meridian with sunlight or by walking barefoot. (p.31,131)

The qualities of our renal Yin-energy lie in our body's ability to cool down, in the quality of our water balance, but also in our psychological skills to relax and rest actively. The qualities of renal Yang-energy can be found in the ability of our body to warm up, in the quality of our mobility and motor skills, in the properties of our vitality and mood. (p.27,39,91,115-116)

The health of the skin and hair is maintained by cellular oxygen exchange, managed jointly by the kidneys and lungs. The secret of beautiful skin and hair lies in the healthy kidneys that control hydration, osmosis and hydro-mineral balance. The kidneys, along with the liver, regulate the synthesis of important molecules and enzymes involved in nourishing and building tissues with the help of sulfur (S), a conductor of Conscious Power, and important trace elements such as zinc (Zn). (p.45,51,53,73,81,89,94,,127,173,182)



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Spirit manifests in matter by merging with the Primordial Force. This fusion in our body is expressed through the elements of phosphorus and calcium - the main building blocks of our skeletal system, but also the main engines of cellular energy, brain and muscle activity, reproduction and regeneration. It is through these two elements that our kidneys control the manifestations of our Ego - they deplete calcium in our blood when we are heartless and selfish, and they take away phosphorus when we are fearful, uncertain and faithless. It is the kidneys that host the Seven Guardians of our energy balance. In order to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life, we must keep our "Sources of Life" clean - not to pollute them with negative emotions and sick ambitions.. (p. 42,51,59,112,149,153,170,182)

Our kidneys are especially vulnerable to irregular lifestyles, unbalanced diet, insufficient or excessive physical activity, lack of sleep, stress. Conditions of chronic fatigue, depression, various mania, fear, neurosis, can be a signal not only of intoxication or psychological injury, but also for impaired kidney function.  (p.12,27,28,33,35,54,57-58)



·         Dehydration, insufficient water intake. (p.76,128)

·         Excessive intake of proteins from highly acid-forming meat foods, which stimulate the production of uric acid, increasing the risk of kidney-stone formation. (p.77,100,127,150,158,168,190)

·         Alkalizing agents and diuretics that disturb the hydro-mineral and alkaline-acid balance. (p.79)

·         Excessive intake of carbonated beverages rich in sweeteners, fructose and colorants, increasing the risk of oxalate crystal formation in kidneys. (p.60,78,128,169)

·         Urinary retention - makes it difficult for kidney function to maintain the hydro-mineral and alkaline-acid balance in the blood. (p.71,77,102)

·         Lack of sunlight impedes bone calcium metabolism and vitamin D3 synthesis, potentiating the retention of phosphates in tissues and the formation of kidney stones.  (p.51,74,77,111)

·         Fatigue, laziness and systemic stress, provoke states of fear, fear neurosis, depression, insecurity, which impair renal function, deplete the original vital energy of the kidneys, potentiating brain and nervous disorders. Conversely, frequent falls into states of fear and anxiety may indicate a lack of kidney energy. (p.12,16,27,32-36,42,47,89-90,131,150)

·         Destructive manifestations of the Ego: whether we have suffered from the manifestations of one's domineering Ego, or seek to impose our personal will and worldview on others, both approaches deplete our essential life energy stored in the Kidneys. (p.12,13,21,27,33,39,150,179,182)


The kidneys suffer especially during various chronic diseases, and must be spared in: gout, diabetes, insulin resistance, psoriasis, osteoporosis, arthritis, neuro-degenerative and autoimmune diseases, but also in hormonal disorders, in any disorders of thyroid gland, chronic inflammation, cystitis, nephritis, infertility, impotence, stressful lifestyle. (p.99,190)




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·         The stagnation of Liver-Yang energy potentiates the retention of pathogenic heat in the body, disturbing the hormonal, electrolyte and pH balance, what is a common cause of cardiovascular and bone-joint complaints, autoimmune diseases. (str.31,35,42,45,48,54,57-58,79,106,111,114,171,190)

·         Penetration of cold into the meridian of the bladder (p.102) - the cause of frequent colds, weakened immunity, decreased libido.

·         Stagnation of Yin energy in the meridian of the spleen, (p. 123) potentiating the retention of pathogenic moisture in the body (putrefaction in the colon (p. 144), lymphatic stagnation, increased acidity). (p. 126)

·         Weak, destructive or missing Conscious manifestation. (p.15,36,58-59,94,111,182)

·         Exhausting manifestation of the Primary and Sexual energies. (p.111,151)



·         Enough clean water and some mineral water.

·         Balanced diet that does not unduly disturb the alkaline-acid balance in the body, ie. does not burden the kidneys with excess strong acids, bicarbonates, phosphates and sodium. (p.127,167)

·         Sufficient imports of foods rich in calcium, magnesium and other minerals and trace elements. (p.51,63,59,168)

·         Healthy lungs, which import pure oxygen, enlightening the mind and carrying fresh Spiritual energy from the Aether, also needed for the synthesis of secondary life energy in the stomach, but also for the alkaline-acid balance in the body. (p.70,73,92,93,132,137)

·         Enough movement, but also enough active rest. (p.25,75,91)

·         Sunlight, which delivers life-giving UVB rays that support the natural synthesis of vitamin D in the skin. (p.63,87,105,111)

·         Creative and mental activity that expands Consciousness, balances emotions and nourishes life energy. (p.12,21,27,33,42,69)



As regulators of body fluids, their pH and hydro-mineral balance, the kidneys are the guardians of our subconscious and our genetic programs, in terms of our mental and emotional manifestations and the corresponding hormonal expression.. (p.15,22,36,51,63,70,85,112,127,132,144) Energy regulators of the elements Water (yin), Earth and Fire (yang), the kidneys perform their conscious activity under the astrological influence of the zodiac sign of Capricorn. (p.21,58,94)

The astrological task of Capricorn is to use the Earth Consciousness, with which to purify the Ego and the "storehouse" of the subconscious from outdated and negative memories, views, prejudices, fears. (p.38,39,91,114,146,150) To release the Soul! This requires constant self-control and work on the purity of thought, heart, senses, body fluids, as well as our conscious and unconscious manifestations. (p.36,102,137,182)


It is the Heart power that maintains the purity of Consciousness and bodily fluids, unlocks the portal to Superconsciousness and adjusts our senses to the vibrations of Love - the Eternal Fire of Life and the Source of all Blessings.




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