Alchemy of Health - the Book


is given to us as a system for control and prevention of over 100 diseases, for complete body and mind rejuvenation and development of the prescious skills of the Seven Powers of Life. With best wishes for good health, nice time and exciting moments with the BOOK.

Mission and dedication of this book

Health is the natural state of harmony between the human mind, will and heart. "Good is a condition for health. Without good, one cannot be healthy. ”, Peter Deunov. "ALCHEMY OF HEALTH" is dedicated to active persons striving for well-being and success. For creative people looking to discover their hidden talents. For doctors and their patients seeking the path to healing. For people striving to achieve a healthy balance.

Part I chapter 8.1: Destructive energy and toxemia in the 12 zodiac signs

 pages 56-58


     AlchemY of Аpogee [ Part I: Quality of Life ]


Can we identify and consciously control

toxemia processes in a timely manner?

In the table on the next page, we will look at the governing energies of our bodily organs to find the interdependent mechanisms that can potentiate the activation of destructive energy and the concomitant manifestations of toxemia. (p.20,29-31)

If we are more observant we will find the close connection between warming the weather and stimulating detoxification, but also the acid-forming processes in our body, and vice versa - cooling, potentiates alkaline-forming processes, but also toxemia. (p.39,96,76,94,115,128)

Therefore, in summer and in hot air, it is desirable to avoid warming activities that stimulate anabolic processes in the body, such as: excessive intake of high-calorie, fatty and spicy foods, strong alcohol, weight gain, stagnation, immobility, inaction, depression. In the summer we must keep our body's cooling system in good condition, to avoid overheating, but also overcooling. (p.33,45,47-48,95) Conversely, during the winter months and in cold conditions, we must balance the consumption of energy and heat, strive to rest and nourish our energy needs, managed by our triple heater - the joint activity of the kidneys, lungs and liver, performed under the control of the thyroid gland. (p.24,25,32,39,116)

Instead of patiently harmonizing our senses and the rhythm of our body with the energies that each season brings us, we often tend to rush, trying to impulsively satisfy our aspirations, ambitions and appetites with the first good spring day. In the Spring, in nature, but also in our liver, the realizing Yang energy is activated, stimulated by the renewed reservoir of the Infinite Potential, nourished in the Winter by the element Water of the Yin energy. The beginning of spring requires us to take care of the purification, strengthening and growth of "our tree" - our liver, but also of our active spirit. (p.104,106,111,112,131) If we are impatient and concentrate too much on the inevitable realization of our aspirations, we run the risk of running out of energy and drowning in our own ambitions, activating the destructive energy in the meridian of the "earthly Spleen". This will quickly absorb all our strength and capabilities, and can force our accumulated potential to "wait", causing stagnation in our mental activity and life energy. (p.35,45,121,123,163)

It is not a coincidence that as Spring progresses, we experience more and more of "spring fatigue." In fact, states of emotional and mental arousal lead to stagnation and generate excess fluid in our body. The premature spring-summer impulses of our aspirations and moods, replaced by overwhealming spring fatigue, largely "explain" the incidental "invasion of summer days" in April, and even in March, for example. The earth is simply trying to get us out of the premature lethargy due to overexcitement, and to move and "evaporate" the stagnant fluids from our body. (p.31,36,99,102,112,122,127,148)

Unnaturally early warming, in turn, for example, causes rapid evaporation and depletion of our vital water, hence the premature onset of "unpleasant summer symptoms" in the spring, namely: swelling, edema, shortness of breath, often accompanied by joint pain and heart problems. In such circumstances, we have no choice but to rejoice and be extremely grateful for the prolonged rains and cooling during the summer days. (p.182)

It comes clear, that the manifestations of destructive energy inherent in the various zodiac signs, but above all in our tendency to allow the whims of the Ego to control our mental behavior, can occur in direct proportion to the depletion or predominance of the elements Water and Fire, including due to of climate events during the different months and seasons. Where are the causes of unnatural health and climate change? (p.29-31,38,45,59,60,71,131)

AlchemY of Health       [ Part I: Quality of Life] Chapter 8: Detoxification and Toxemia         56




AlchemY of Health       [ Part I: Quality of Life] Chapter 8: Detoxification and Toxemia         57

 Zodiac sign /
Month /Planet
(p. 93,170)

Destructively used (energy / zodiacal)motif

Affected ruling energy meridian (p. 24,94)

Affected organ / disease /Destructive

Gradual manifestations of toxemia preceding the disease
(p. 55)

Meridian with activated destructive energy
(p. 20,24,93)



March (p. 107)

Sinking Neptune


(p. 106)



 Stagnation of Yin energy in the meridian of the liver. Element drowning Wood

Lymph, poisoning, colds, feet, toxicity

 (p. 171-172)

Weak anti-oxidant protection

 (p. 60,85,123,160)

Yin energy stagnation in the spleen meridian.
Muddy Earth


Fiery Aries

April (p. 113)

Rising Mars


(p. 111)



Yang stagnation in the gallbladder meridian.
Rotting Wood

Acne, eyes, head, face, scalp, brain, headache, dizziness

 (p. 173-174)

Weak function of the small intestine to separate the pure from the impure
(p. 115,133,158)

Yang stagnation in the meridian of the stomach.

Element Flooded Earth


Eartjy Taurus

May (p. 41)

Awaikening Venus


(p. 117)



Yang stagnation in the meridian of the Triple Heater.
igniting Fire

Thyroid gland, throat, bronchi, cough, voice

 (p. 179-181)

Constant feeling of hunger, lack of oxygen, slow metabolism

(p. 39,99,159,163)

Yin energy deficiency in the meridian of the Kidneys.

Element Stagnant Water

Air Gemini

June (p. 118)

Rising Mercury


(p. 117)



Yin stagnation in the Pericardial meridian.

Burning Fire

Hands, wrists, shoulders, runny nose, lungs, breathing, nervous system  (p. 175-176)

Difficulty passing stools, poor blood circulation

 (p. 89,115,102,144)

Yang stagnation in the bladder meridian. Evaporating Water element


Water Crab

July (p. 119)

Setting Moon


 (стр. 117)



Yang energy stagnation in the small intestine meridian.
smoldering fire

Chest, chest, pancreas, stomach, ulcer, stomach gas, tumors
(p. 171-172)

Lymphatic stasis, delayed renal activity, high acidity (p.74,127,137,149)

Yin energy deficiency in the meridian of the Heart.


Fiery Leo

(p. 120)



 (p. 117)


Stagnation of Yin energy in the meridian of the Heart.
Flame elemen

Back, spine, exhaustion, heart, inflammation

 (p. 184-185)

Deposition of uric acid in the soft tissues around the joints

 (p. 62,79,111,115)

Yang energy stagnation in meridian of the small intestine.
lement Burning fire


Earthy Virgo

(p. 124)

Setting Mercury


 (S. 123)


Stagnation of Yin energy in the meridian of the spleen.

Element Dry Earth

Intestinal tract, constipation, digestion, assimilation, solar plexus
(p. 175-176)

High cholesterol, lipid peroxidation, atherosclerosis

 (p. 27,106,111,117)

Shortage of Yin energy in the meridian of the Pericardium.

Element Spark


Airborne Scales

October(p. 134)

Sleeping Venus


 (p. 133)


Stagnation of Yang energy in the meridian of the Stomach.
Element Sandy

Kidneys, adrenal glands, hip area, diabetes

 (p. 179-181)

Slow metabolism in the liver and muscles, overweight

 (p. 32,39,88,150)

Yang stagnation in the meridian of the Triple Heater.
The element of

Water Scorpio

(p. 138)

Cooling Pluto


 (p. 137)


Yin stagnation in the meridian of the Lungs.
Element hot Metal

Rectum, colon, excretory system, genitals

 (p. 173-174)

Contamination, dehydration, oily skin

(p. 79,111,144)

Yang stagnation in the meridian of the colon. Element
melting Metal

Fiery Sagittarius

(p. 145)



(p. 144)



Yang energy stagnation in the meridian of the Colon.

Element Cutting Metal

Thighs, liver, neuropathy, sciatic nerve

 (p. 177-178)

Increased cortisol, genotoxic stress, decreased hemoglobin

(p. 15,45,102,137)

Yin deficiency in the meridian of the lungs.

Element exhaustive Metal

Earthy Capricorn

January (p. 100)

Rotting Saturn


(p. 99)



Stagnation of Yin energy in the meridian of the kidneys. Element Muddy Water

Bones, joints, arthritis, rheumatism, stones, knees, skin, psoriasis
(p. 182-183)

Tissue decay, aging

(p. 42,66,106,150)

Yin stagnation in the meridian of the liver.

Cutted Tree

Air Aquarius

(p. 103)

Decomposing Uranus


(p. 102)


Ian stagnation in the meridian of the bladder.

Toxic Water Element

Ankles, blood, circulation,

cramps, varicose veins (p. 182-183)

Fibrosis, cellulite, malignant changes

 (p. 85-87,112,144)

Yang stagnation in the meridian of the Bile.

Drying Tree

The processes of destructive energy, which we tend to activate in our body during the different seasons, not only potentiate the manifestations of toxemia, but are also directly proportional to the acid-forming and alkalizing reactions caused by them.

For example, the stagnation of body fluids in the summer causes their increased acidity, but also potentiates the alkalizing processes that cause mineralization and depletion of the necessary water in the cells. This, in turn, causes dehydration and activates degenerative processes in our skeletal system. Subsequently, with the onset of autumn, our body will be forced to balance these alkalizing processes, activating strong acid-forming reactions. The high acidity will make us chaotically eat carbohydrates and sweet fruits, which will further complicate and deepen the damage from toxemia. At this point, our body and the energy of the Spleen will be in dire need of the vital minerals and trace elements vital for renewal and cell regeneration, which, however, we have again depleted in advance, this time to control our "sour mood". (p.51,62,73-79,111-112,121-123,127-130,137,149)

It is clear that if we do not provide and timely harmonize the necessary conditions for the normal flow of Life Energy in our  bodies and in life, no matter how much we drink clean water, it will not be able to prevent dehydration, but will only potentiate the stagnation of body fluids and their acidification. (p.132,166,170) Nature does not tolerate stagnation and waste of energy, it simply keeps things in balance. Each inharmonious action has a specific counteraction, but each harmful inaction is rewarded with a stimulating portion of influence. When we do not resist, (p. 153) or we react or influence the circumstances that are not under our control, we disturb our own balance and harmony.


AlchemY of Health       [ Part I: Quality of Life] Chapter 8: Detoxification and Toxemia         58

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The Book of Alchemy of Health

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