Alchemy of Health - the Book


is given to us as a system for control and prevention of over 100 diseases, for complete body and mind rejuvenation and development of the prescious skills of the Seven Powers of Life. With best wishes for good health, nice time and exciting moments with the BOOK.

Mission and dedication of this book

Health is the natural state of harmony between the human mind, will and heart. "Good is a condition for health. Without good, one cannot be healthy. ”, Peter Deunov. "ALCHEMY OF HEALTH" is dedicated to active persons striving for well-being and success. For creative people looking to discover their hidden talents. For doctors and their patients seeking the path to healing. For people striving to achieve a healthy balance.

Part II Chapter 3: The liver - Our Tree of Life

 pages 104-106



The liver is "our Tree of Life." From the strength of its root system depends the strength of our immune system, our health and vitality. (p. 80) From the "strength of our tree" depends the strength and height of our spirit, will and consciousness, but also our heart rate and our activity. Kidney-Yin-Energy nourishes the liver and Liver –Yang-Energy nourishes the heart. (p.93,114,131) The liver maintains the overall balance and comfort of our body, protecting the body from toxins and our essence from destructive manifestations. (p.20,32,34,45,52,57-58,73,86,89,94,157) It depends on the strength of our spirit and our will, "the roots of our tree", that "the earth will enrich the metal", i.e. whether our stomach, spleen and immune system will work well. (p.20,80,121,125)

It depends on the purity and freshness of our feelings, thoughts and emotions, but also of our gallbladder, "the branches and fruits of our tree", whether "fire will melt the metal", whether we are managing to maintain our balance. (p.12,20,27,32,48,57-58,33,94,102,112,117,135) Weak liver energy leads to lymphatic stagnation, overweight, weak immunity. Stagnation of pathogenic heat ignites the liver's Yang energy, depletes oxygen, minerals and trace elements, provokes inflammation and putrefaction in the colon, and with it the appearance of acne, high blood pressure, toxemia, high cholesterol, emotional disorder. (p.33,55,57-58,61,66,99,101,111,137,143,149,152,164,182)

The liver supports and manages some basic processes of metabolism and detoxification:

• Synthesis and resynthesis of basic energy from glucose and glycogen, (p.43)

• Cholesterol synthesis - necessary for hormones and metabolism; (p.110)

• Absorption, storage and release of vitamins; (p.63,82,169)

• Production of hormones and important metabolic enzymes; (p.25,34,44,83,131)

• Production of antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes, (p.62)

• Elimination of poisons and toxic metabolites; (p.52,54,61,64-65,73)

• Production of bile acids. (p.109,112,127)

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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 3: The Tree of Life




Regulates the distribution of Life Energy (Qi) and blood, maintaining our mood and comfort. If this function is normal, one feels calm and confident. (p.18,68,80,91)

In the Liver is the source of the energy flow of Yang-energy of our body. Therefore, sudden changes in mood, depression and euphoria affect blood flow and heart rate. (p.12,21,27,33,45,149) If the liver energy is stagnant, there is a feeling of depression, insecurity, suspicion, anxiety, swelling and heaviness in the area above the diaphragm. (p.34,45,150,173) The ultimate arousal of this energy can cause irritability, insomnia, headaches, blurred vision. (p.101,152) To avoid serious emotional, mental and immune disorders, it is good to avoid states of excessive emotionality, which deplete the liver energy, but also those that lead to its hyperexcitability or stagnation: insomnia, overeating, dissatisfaction, fatigue. (p.12,14,25,34-35,45,47-48,88,90,171)

The liver supports the digestive activity of the spleen and stomach by supplying bile juice and providing the necessary conditions for normal digestion. (p.122,125,131,164)

To avoid digestive disorders such as heartburn, reflux, bloating, food retention in the stomach and intestines, it is good to maintain the "good mood" of our liver, but also of our spirit during meals.

The liver accumulates, stores and distributes blood. (p.25,94,131)

The liver accumulates and regulates the amount of blood in the body and acts as a reservoir of nourishing Yin energy, controlled and supplied by the Kidneys. During rest and sleep, our body needs less blood, as the rest of the blood accumulates in the liver. During work, motion, digestion, the liver releases the necessary blood for the activity of the brain, muscles, stomach, etc.

In the evening, between 19.00 and 23.00, the joint work of the five Yin organs synthesizes new amounts of blood from the food and water taken during the day. Some of this blood accumulates in the liver, and the highest quality of blood is processed into bile, which collects in the gallbladder. (p.25,170)

If we eat and sleep irregularly for a long time, we can deplete the Yin energy with which the Kidneys nourish the Liver. (p.95) This can lead to a complete lack of energy in our body, while stimulating and igniting Yang energy in the meridian of the Heart. (p.35,45,57-58,94,99,102,114-116,152,173,184,190)

The liver controls the tendons and nourishes the nails, keeping all of them flexible and elastic. (p.21,107,108,186-188)

When we start training without doing stretching and warming exercises that activate the blood and tendons, we risk wasting liver energy, but also injuring muscles and joints. (p.177)

The eyes are the "leaves of the tree of life" - windows to the Sun of the liver, which nourishes them with vitamins: A (retinol), E, D, C - playing an important role in the absorption and cellular supply of light needed for immune, antioxidant and antitoxic protection, nervous and hormonal balance.. (p.21,25,62-63,82,111,161,168,169,186)


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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 3: The Tree of Life



The Liver Season is Spring, when the Yang energy in Nature awakens. Then the liver strives to purify itself and ensure the full enrichment and flow of vital energy and blood. It is no coincidence that this is the time chosen for "religious fasting", when our body needs to get rid of the accumulated slag and toxins in winter. The liver loves the tonic "sour" taste, does not tolerate meat and fatty foods, exhaustion and windy weather. Just as the "Green Tree" needs Water, Earth and Sun, so the Liver needs: (p.20,21)

·         enough fluids (water, fruit juices, teas); (p.101,166)

·         vitamins and minerals from natural sources: (p.51,62,168) green leafy vegetables, salads, fruits, juices, black bread,

·         solar energy, which supports the synthesis of vitamin D, necessary for the liver, thyroid gland and immune system. (p.39,63,82,95,111)


The liver is directly "responsible" for the absorption of almost all chemical compounds that enter the digestive tract, and controls the elimination of their toxic metabolites and toxins. (p.52,54,129) The liver often suffers from intoxication due to excessive emotionality and use of alcohol, drugs, overeating, eating late and going to bed at night, unhealthy relationships that cause various states of imbalance in liver energy, such as: stagnation, cold, heat, deficiency, moisture. Liver contamination often affects the function of the bile, skin, lymph, tendons and eyes. Manifestations at first glance are invisible, but are expressed in constipation, lymphatic stagnation, fatigue, cramps, loss of appetite, brittle nails, impaired vision, cellulite, stiffness, back and joint pain and more. (p.27,47,49,55,59,81,108,184,190) To strengthen the Liver and the immune system, it is necessary:

·         To take care of the spring detoxification of the body. (p.59,168)

·         Choose liver-strengthening foods (eg lemons).

·         Avoid eating hard-to-digest meat in the evening.

·         To adjust the diet (with the last dinner at 19.00)

·         To adjust the regime of rest and bedtime (no later than 23.00),

·         To go out often in the fresh air and sun! (p. 25,87,111,158,169,186-188)

·         Be generous and avoid negative emotions. (p.32,45,90,173)



The liver is the guardian of our Soul aspirations and potential. In the roots of our "Tree of Life" lies the "Horn of Plenty", from which we can draw if we master the Heart Force with which to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit. (p.94,111,114,148) The liver, as the "Lord" of health and strength, performs its activity through the energy elements of the Tree (yang) and Water (yin), in the zodiac sign of Pisces. The astrological task of Pisces is to purify the Ego, by serving the Heart Force, which creates the conditions for the fruitful interaction of Spirit and Soul, ie. the development of the Fourth Dimension of our lives. (p.17,37-38,99,111,117,125,131,149,153,157,158,159,171,191)


Pure and bright thought can purify the depths of Consciousness and enlighten our Vision of Truth, revealing the benefits of Generosity. (p.15,36,80,89,90,102,117,137,144,172,177)



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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 3: The Tree of Life

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