Alchemy of Health - the Book


is given to us as a system for control and prevention of over 100 diseases, for complete body and mind rejuvenation and development of the prescious skills of the Seven Powers of Life. With best wishes for good health, nice time and exciting moments with the BOOK.

Mission and dedication of this book

Health is the natural state of harmony between the human mind, will and heart. "Good is a condition for health. Without good, one cannot be healthy. ”, Peter Deunov. "ALCHEMY OF HEALTH" is dedicated to active persons striving for well-being and success. For creative people looking to discover their hidden talents. For doctors and their patients seeking the path to healing. For people striving to achieve a healthy balance.




This handbook aims to improve our health culture and quality of life, and is a unique and systematically compiled collection of knowledge, methods and practices in some fields of medicine (conventional, natural and folk), biochemistry, phyto-therapy, astrology and natural sciences, nutrition, physical culture, psychology, art and shared life experience. The main task we have to solve is how to achieve a healthy balance in our lives? A balance that excludes contradictions, diseases and failures, and that, in the end, makes us feel satisfied with life - calm, confident, cheerful and harmonious, despite the turbulent challenges that flood our daily lives.

This book, developed in the form of a handbook, does not contain diets, recipes, or treatment methods for various ailments and diseases, although it provides detailed answers to many questions "How to ...?" This book does not contain practices for self-healing, nor does it encourage such, although it was developed on the basis of a postulate that reads: "No one can cure you except You - yourself!"

In order for a person to start self-healing, it is necessary not only to know his anatomy, physiology and psyche well, but also to cultivate common sense in himself. "Healthy thinking", for example, is a very good and modern approach, but in itself is extremely insufficient to maintain a good health balance and long-term health. Many people who think "healthy" find it difficult to achieve healthy results. Why?

Believing that we think, live and eat healthily, we often allow ourselves to make systematic mistakes without thinking about the end result of our "automatically" purposeful actions. Because we believe that we have taken the right and modern path, which we have called "Healthy lifestyle", and which logically should be away from all diseases, and to "anticipate" all risks and threats to our health.

The patient's faith is, perhaps, the most important thing that determines the end result of the treatment of his disease. This has also been proven with the placebo pill used in drug testing. But this is also one of the reasons why many drugs do not work as expected although proven effective. Not because they are not good enough, but because believing that medicine will find the latest miracle cure, the patient begins to lose faith in his current treatment. Why?

Most people, but also their doctors, tend to take and prescribe medication according to their symptoms. There is a pill for each symptom. They believe that the pill must work as soon as they take it. In addition, most of these same people are constantly looking for and waiting to be prescribed a new pill, ignoring the effect of the previous one. They are just looking to get their new miracle pill and believe that the new pill will be better than the previous one. In the search for the new pill, one main point is missed: Each pill has its side effect, as a result of which, a new symptom and a new health problem to solve arise. This is how the vicious circle closes and an initially symptomatically ill patient becomes a chronic patient for life.

Believe it or not, the example of the "Healthy Lifestyle" is similar, offering plenty of fruit, vegetables, vitamins, starvation, dairy, meat, protein, weight loss, cleansing, vegetarian, raw food and all sorts of different methods and diets, filled with promises of concrete results. Each of these regimes, however, can tilt the balance in the body in one direction or another. Inspired by the initial "placebo" effect of these diets, "healthy-minded" people begin to try everything labeled "healthy", falling into the vicious circle of various metabolic and psychological conditions, also leading to a pill.

Few people know, and very few people think at all, that the main reason for the sharp deterioration of a patient's health is precisely the chaotic and simultaneous intake of incompatible drugs, miracle herbs and / or supplements, along with accompanying malnutrition, stress and systemic repeated psychological and dietary errors. In practice, it is up to us whether the old saying, "There is no incurable disease, there are incurable people," is true.

Also, few people realize the role of the psyche in maintaining good health balance or in initiating a disease. We rarely realize that the way we react to the world around us in everyday life can make us sick. However, it is a daily fact that people suddenly get sick from an abuse or inadequately endured insult or stressful situation, from deep grief, from long-lasting anger, from systematically manifested envy and even from inaction.

Fear, for example, is one of the biggest blows to health. The constantly maintained fear in everyday life of failure, illness, separation, etc., causes serious damage not only to our immune system, but also to the quality of our lives in general. A folk tale says, “When an old man was about to leave this world, he said to his son, 'Son, I have spent my whole life worrying about things that never happened. Don't repeat my mistake! ”

Informed faith in constant success contributes a 100% guarantee for the success itself, just as the ignorant fear of defeat will inevitably lead to defeat! Sometimes, or more often, the hopes, thoughts, fears and expectations that we "invest" in our own ambitions, in others or in our loved ones, have the ability to unlock the destructive energy of disappointment, hatred and regret, instead of activating our own initiative. and awareness.

The main tasks of the reader of this Handbook, is to learn the basic principles that maintain a healthy balance, not only in our body but also in our lives, as to be able to block completely the mechanisms that trigger disease and failure. The knowledge gathered in this handbook is presented in an interesting, different, systematic and creative way that unlocks the mind and senses to perceive information with different levels of consciousness. The book provides answers to many current questions, such as:

" How to build good and lasting health - step by step? "

" How to achieve emotional balance to improve our quality of life? "

" How to find solutions, even when we are at a dead end? "

"How to find the root cause of dissatisfaction, misunderstandings and disappointments so that we can create harmonious relationships, abundance and joy in our lives?"

"How to make a balanced menu for the whole family? "

"How to find the root cause of an illness or disease so that we can deal with it more effectively? "

"How to reduce the risk of developing severe chronic diseases? "

"How to improve the quality of life of people - our loved ones, and patients suffering from serious diseases? "

 "How to work with" good "and"bad"so as not to fall into the extremes of life?"

The handbook cannot be used to diagnose or treat disease. Knowledge will help you better understand your body, energy and mind to respond more properly and more adequately to challenges.

The resourceful Mind is a force with which we can improve our lives. Knowledge is in us and everywhere around us, we just need to raise and expand our consciousness so that we can capture, master and apply it. This book will turn you into researchers and discoverers of the incredible forces and energies that are embedded in yourself!

With a wish for health, success and an exciting creative journey into the vast world of the abundance of your Self!

Sofia, February  2019

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