Alchemy of Health - the Book


is given to us as a system for control and prevention of over 100 diseases, for complete body and mind rejuvenation and development of the prescious skills of the Seven Powers of Life. With best wishes for good health, nice time and exciting moments with the BOOK.

Mission and dedication of this book

Health is the natural state of harmony between the human mind, will and heart. "Good is a condition for health. Without good, one cannot be healthy. ”, Peter Deunov. "ALCHEMY OF HEALTH" is dedicated to active persons striving for well-being and success. For creative people looking to discover their hidden talents. For doctors and their patients seeking the path to healing. For people striving to achieve a healthy balance.

Part II Chapter 6: The Spleen and the Pancreas – “The Guardians of the Earth”

 pages 121-123




The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in our body, which is subject to the element Earth, and like it has the basic transforming, managing, moving and protective (immune) functions in our body.

The spleen is the size of a fist, located in the upper left part of the abdomen between the stomach and the diaphragm. The spleen supports the immune and lymphatic systems and performs important transport and circulatory functions. The spleen is responsible for removing old red blood cells and producing and storing white blood cells (lymphocytes), which eliminate viruses and bacteria and send important immune signals throughout the body. (p.83,84)  Traditional Chinese medicine considers the Spleen as one of the five major Yin organs in the human body, along with its corresponding Yang organ, the Stomach, but also with the Pancreas, as an integral organ of the Spleen system. The Spleen system is responsible for digestion, processing and transformation of food and fluids into blood and energy, transporting and supplying the whole body with nutrients through the lymphatic and circulatory systems, managing muscle and fat distribution in the body. Every day the lymph renews the fluids in the body, replacing them with new ones and throwing out about 2-3 liters of stagnant fluids. (p.94,112)


The significance of the element of Earth for the spleen function

The element of the Earth in our body - our Spleen, is our support and stability, our center, (p.20,21,93) which balances the interactions of other energy carriers in our body - water, wood, fire, metal and air. Here in this center the energy substances supplied by the kidneys, liver, heart and lungs are synthesized, and the pure is separated from the impure, which is taken to the Earth. (p.46,53,182)

When a plant is over-watered, it dies, when it is too hot it withers and dies again, if we over-fertilize the plant, it dies and if it does not feed - too. Without sunlight, most flowers cannot bloom. We, our body, are not much different from plants. The end of summer is the time when the fruits are ripe and ready for harvest, and the Earth begins to purify, rest and regenerate. The end of summer is the time when the Spleen restores the balance of body fluids after the summer heat and prepares the immune system for cold days. It is no coincidence that at this time we experience discomfort in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. (S.20,57-59)


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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 6: Spleen & Pancreas - Guardians of Earth


The meaning of the element of Wood for the Earth and the Spleen

Just as the Earth has a vital need for plants and trees in order to be purified and renewed, so the Spleen has a vital need for a healthy and strong Liver - our Tree of Life (p. 104), which supplies the necessary digestive enzymes, vitamins and bile juices. Bile is responsible for the secretion of bile acids in the stomach and duodenum, that break down fats and regulate acidity in the small intestine. (p.71,82,110,127) The spleen function is responsible for the distribution of fat in the body through the lymph. The pancreas secretes in the stomach the necessary juices and hormones for the breakdown of the strong acid-forming proteins supplied by meat, dairy products and eggs (p.22,77,168-169). The pancreas also secretes the enzymes and insulin responsible for breaking down and absorbing sugars, while also regulating bile secretion. (p.109,111) If bile secretion is intense and stimulated by external spontaneous stimuli, it can disrupt pancreatic secretion, lymphatic transport of nutrients and fluids, but also the secretory functions of the small intestine and colon, controlled by the spleen. This can be a prerequisite for activating the destructive energy that dries up or floods the element of Earth in our body. (p.20,47,57-59,112,143,165)


The penetrating impact of the element Air on the Earth

The spleen controls the synthesis, distribution and transport of vital energy, with the help of the balancing activity of the stomach, carried out under the influence of the penetrating Air. Only if the stomach manages to separate and send the impure down, then the Spleen will be able to send nourishing blood (rich in mewly sintezised nutrients| up to the heart, lungs, head and eyes. (p.25,46,, 73,125,131,135)


The element of Water is driven by the Spleen function

The spleen is the engine that controls the movement of blood in the ducts and blood vessels, keeps the organs in place, preventing them from slipping, and regulates the two distribution directions of movement - up and down.  Through the spleen, our body is supplied with all the necessary material substances: food, oxygen, blood, fluids (water, sweat, urine, saliva, tears, semen, secretions, etc.). Therefore, Chinese healers often call him a "warehouse manager." It manages and coordinates all the activities of our body: eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, sleeping, sex, crying, laughing, etc. The kidneys, which control the element Water in our body, store the Essential Life Energy, and the spleen produces and delivers nourishing life energy and blood to the heart and upper organs of the body. (p.95,121)


The transforming effect of the Fire Element on the Earth

The spleen is able to keep our vitality, but it can make us feel exhausted and powerless. It can provide us with a normal intake of water and food, but it can cause vomiting and upset. It can give us a normal sleep and wake up, but it can leave us in bed late in the morning or cause insomnia. It can strengthen the immune and protective function of the skin, but can cause allergies and long-term non-healing wounds. As the main engine of the body's motor functions, the spleen regulates muscle and fat, but also anabolic and catabolic processes. (pp. 21, 43-48, 94)


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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 6: Spleen & Pancreas - Guardians of Earth


The mouth is an expression of Love, but also the outer opening of the Spleen. Lips can determine the quality of the spleen function. Therefore, with weakened immunity, canker sores appear in the mouth and cold sores on the lips. Injured corners, for example, are a signal of avitaminosis due to a lack of vitamins A, B, C. (p.63,82) The interaction between the Spleen and the Heart is closely connected. (pp.115-117) The spleen holds the blood in the vessels, and the heart controls the blood circulation. The heart is the ruler of thought and consciousness, but the Thought is ruled by the Spleen. It is the spleen that makes us think about the things of life, but too much thinking and "looping" of thought in a certain direction can cause stagnation of the Spleen’s   transport function. (p.12,25,27,33,47,99,106) This is one of the reasons when we think hard, we experience hunger for sweets, which on the one hand stimulates mental activity at the moment, but on the other hand can bring us in an unwanted metabolic cycle. (p.34-36,57-58,148,158,159,163,175)

As the guardian of Immunity, the Spleen also governs our Soul, concentrated in the energy of the essential blood. (p.22,92,112,131)  The Yang-energy generator of the spleen function is our Stomach, which is also the ruler of our Spiritual Center, (p.13,94,125) where our thoughts and consciousness are unlocked or locked, depending on the Fire with which we ignited our Soul - with the spark of Love, with the passions of the Ego or with the flame of knowledge, governed by the purity of the Heart. (p.21,91,111,115,117,153,173,177)




If we manage to perceive the Truth with the purity of the Mind and to put in our Hearts the Love, carried by our strong and unshakable Spirit, then our Soul power will be able to resist the hunger, passions and fears of the Ego, purifying it in the flame of Divine Fire. (p.32,86,91,117,155,173,184)

If we are good conductors of Love, then we will be able to transform the destructive еnergies  of the Ego into constructive and creative forces. Only then, instead of the "Pandora's box", will we be able to find and unlock the hidden treasure of our Soul - our gifted and capable individuality, striving for perfection. (p.133,146,153,189)

Our Spleen, the guardian of our immunity and our Essential Soul Power from the destructive and polluting manifestations of the Ego in the material, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional spheres, governs the material result, i.e. the fruits of these manifestations, through the materializing element of the Earth (yin) - the Sacred Power. (p.13,51,88,157)

The elemental, energetic, transforming, protective and purifying action of the Spleen function is performed under the astrological control of the zodiac sign of Virgo. Virgo's astrological task is to consider the results of tangible and intangible manifestations. It is the zodiac sign Virgo that has the honor to discover that the qualities of thought determine the qualities of the material realization of our Soul aspirations, but also the quality flow of Life energy in our bodies and in our lives. (p.17,18,29,93,124,157,175) Sooner or later, the strong mental-material vibration of Virgo will make us realize that our life results do not depend so much on our mental "baggage" as on the way we perceive and apply Love in Life, i.e. from the way, the means and the freedom with which we manifest and preserve our Soul essence. (p. 192) Because every burden draws to the mortal, and Love expands the senses, the mind and the Soul.

Virgo is the zodiac sign in which the opposites of the Earthly and Heavenly, the Material and the Intangible, the Divine and the Human, the Good and the Evil, the Visible and the Invisible, the Mortal and the Immortal, the Yin and Yang energies in Nature meet in order to create that eternal essence of Love, without which there is no Life. (p.19,21,86)


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AlchemY of Аpogee [Part II: The Lords of Life ] Chapter 6: Spleen & Pancreas - Guardians of Earth

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